
Air traffic controller

Entry requirements · 5 GCSEs at grades 9 to 4 (A* to C), or equivalent, including English and maths, for an advanced apprenticeship · 4 or 5 GCSEs at grades 9 to ...

Air traffic controllers:Requirements

Aspiring air traffic controllers must have a college degree and three years of aviation-related work experience or have completed an aviation-related program.

How to become an air traffic controller

You will need five GCSEs at grades 9 to 4 (A* to C) including English and Maths to be eligible for an entry level apprenticeship, or a good first degree to ...

Air traffic controllers and related occupations

To work as an air traffic controller in BC, you must have completed the NAV Canada training program. Eligibility is achieved by meeting basic requirements.

Air Traffic Controller Qualifications

Have one year of progressively responsible work experience, or a Bachelor's degree, or a combination of post-secondary education and work experience that totals ...

Air Traffic Controller Hiring

3 天前 · Have either one year of full-time work experience or one year of higher education, or a combination of both; Be physically and mentally fit and ...

How To Become an Air Traffic Controller

A two- or four-year degree from an AT-CTI school will prepare you for a career in air traffic control and earn you priority consideration.

How to become an air traffic controller or flight service specialist

Note: When it comes to education, applicants only need to have their high school diploma or equivalency. NAV CANADA offers a paid training ...

Become An Air Traffic Controller: Step-By

The FAA recommends that aspiring air traffic controllers have an associate's or bachelor's degree in any field. Additionally, you can enroll in the FAA's Air ...


Entryrequirements·5GCSEsatgrades9to4(A*toC),orequivalent,includingEnglishandmaths,foranadvancedapprenticeship·4or5GCSEsatgrades9to ...,Aspiringairtrafficcontrollersmusthaveacollegedegreeandthreeyearsofaviation-relatedworkexperienceorhavecompletedanaviation-relatedprogram.,YouwillneedfiveGCSEsatgrades9to4(A*toC)includingEnglishandMathstobeeligibleforanentrylevelapprenticeship,oragoodfirstdegree...